Patch Test Sidapa

For the Allergologic exam with Patch-Test Rapid Patch Test. Each R.P.T. contains the SIDAPA series and many other SERIES Integratives, Specific etc.

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Patients declaring adverse reactions were patch tested with i the Italian SIDAPA baseline series, ii an additional botanical series, and Patch Tests.

for the Allergologic exam with Patch-Test

of precise chemical substances, dispersed in Vaseline or dissolved in opportune

solvent at concentrations established according to international standards

guaranteeing that the products do not cause irritation in healthy volunteers,

while not being too low for detectability in allergic patients. Some substances

are tested as is. Compatible haptens are sometimes incorporated into the same

ointment to create a hapten mix for ensuring a more rapid execution of the

have been grouped into various series for helping the physician

choose the ones to be tested and for facilitating diagnosis. The haptens in

each series are subdivided into homogeneous categories. The haptens most frequently

responsible for contact dermatitis have been grouped in the SIDAPA series

adopted by the Italian Society of Professional and Environmental Allergologic

Dermatology, made up of 25 substances or mixes in addition to petrolatum. F.I.R.M.A. recommends integrating

this series with 15 other substances or mixes. F.I.R.M.A. markets over 500

different haptens grouped into more than 70 series.

order to accelerate application of the SIDAPA series to the patient, F.I.R.M.A.

markets the R.P.T. Rapid Patch Test. Each R.P.T. contains the SIDAPA series

and many other SERIES Integratives, Specific etc prepared on different kind of plasters. At the physician s request,

F.I.R.M.A. can prepare haptens that are not present in the catalog, either

by providing the necessary raw materials or using raw materials supplied by

the physician. F.I.R.M.A. s highly qualified personnel is available for supplying

all information the physician may require regarding

concentrations, different mediums, etc.

Occupational Airborne Allergic Contact Dermatitis Caused by Gold. Patches were removed after 2 days, and test sites were read on days 4, 6, SIDAPA 2005.

Patch test serie sidapa milano 2719. It is still not known whether all SecuROM triggers build into the game code have been removed.

Monica Corazza 1, Stefania Zauli 1, Antonella patch test sidapa Pagnoni 2 and Anna Virgili 1. Promethazine hydrochloride is a first-generation H1 receptor antagonist.

Introduzione di Società Storia della Società Italiana di Dermatologia Allergologica Professionale e Ambientale Storia e organigramma Lo Statuto Lo.

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